COVID bolnica Novi Sad
Izrada projektne dokumentacije i izvođenje radova (građevinski, građeivnsko-zanatski, instalaterski radovi).
Kompanija TERMOMONT sa ponosom predtsvalja ovaj projekat na kojem je pokazala profesionalnost, obaranje rokova i postavljanjem novih ciljeva.
Da smo brzo realizovali zadati projekat govori vam podatak da je prvi stub podignut samo posle dve nedelje od početka radova.
Projekat „Covid“ bolnica završen je za četiri meseca.
Fabrika vakcina Beograd
lzrada projektne dokumentacije i izvođenje radova.
Opština Kruševac izrada projektne dokumentacije i izvođenje radova
lzrada projektne dokumentacije i izvođenje radova па izgradnji objekta bolnice i prijavnice, sa pratećom infrastrukturom, u vojnom kompleksu “Rasina”, opština Kruševac.
Ministarstvo odbrane, Vojnograđevinska ustanova “Beograd”
lzrada projektne dokumentacije i izvođenje radova objekta COV1D bolnice u VK “Zemun ekonomija” u Beogradu.
Ministarstvo odbrane, Republike Srbije, Uprava za vojno zdravstvo
Donacija izvođenja radova na uređenju prostorija u objektu KN-9 i dogradnja objekta u Vojno Medicinskom Centru Karaburma.
Grad Prokuplje
Rekonstrukcija i dogradnja objekta Opšte bolnice “Dr. Aleksa Savić” – Medicinski centar u Prokuplju.
JP Direkcija za izgradnju grada Niša
Rekonstrukcija i sanacija tvrđavskog mosta u okviru rekonstrukcije i parternog uređenja Trga kralja Milana, Niš.
Opština uprava Kladovo
Projektovanje, nabavka, isporuka i montađa opreme i izgradnja toplane na drvnu sečku”Pemci 1″za potrebe Osnovne škole “Vuk Karadžić” u Kladovu – faza II.
Орština Majdanpek
Projektovanje, nabavka, isporuka i montaža opreme za rekonstrukciju i dogradnju postojeće kotlarnice u Majdanpeku kotlom na drvnu sečku za potrebe grejanja Doma zdravlja “Dr. Veroljub Cakić”.
Орština Svilajnac
Projektovanje, nabavka, isporuka i montaža opreme i izgradnja kotlarnice na drvnu sečku i prirodni gas u okviru kompleksa Osnovne škole “Jovan Jovanović Zmaj” toplovoda i toplotnih podstanica u Svilajncu.
Dom “Veternik” Novi Sad
Izvodjenje građevinskih radova na obnovi i unapređenju objekta javne namene u javnoj svojini u oblasti socijalne zaštite dom “Veternik”.
Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za proizvodnju, promet, inženjering i usluge Milanović tretman voda Kragujevac
Izvođenje radova na elektroenergetskim i telekomunikacionim i signalnim instalacijama na proizvodnom objektu u okviru kompleksa “Simens Avenio” u Kragujevcu.
MIND REAL ESTATE doo, Kragujevac
lzvođenje radova na telekomunikacionim i signalnim instalacijama na objetku upravne zgrade MIND REAL ESTATE doo, Kragujevac.
Орštinska uprava орštine Surdulica
Projektovanje, nabavka, isporuka i montaža opreme i izgradnja kotlarnice na drvnu sečku, toplovoda i toplotnih podstanica u zdravstvenom centru u Surdulici.
Орština Osečina
Projektovanje, nabavka, isporuka i montaža opreme i izgradnja kotlarnice na drvnu sečku u dvorištu ОŠ “Braca Nedić”, toplovoda i toplotnih podstanica u Osečini.
Društvo sa ograničenom odgovornošću za proizvodnju, promet, inženjering i usluge Milanović tretman voda Kragujevac
lzvođenje radova na elektroenergetskim instalacijama za projekat Upravna zgrada “Milanović tretman voda” d.o.o Kragujevac – I, II faza.
Gradska орština Voždovac
Rekonstrukcija mesne zajednice “Zuce” i mesne zajednice “Pinosava”.
Gradska uprava grada Beograda
Sanacija termotehničkih instalacija sa elementima enterijera na sabirnoj kapeli-mrtvačnici, groblje “Bežanijska kosa”.
Орština Mionica
Projektovanje, nabavka, isporuka i montažia орreme i rekonstrukcija kotlarnice na drvnu sečku u okviru objekta Osnovne škole “Milan Rakic” Mionica i pratećih infrastrukturnih instalacija.
Lidl Srbija K.D
lzgradnja supermarketa “LIDL” F0146, Železnik, Beograd
Gradska uprava grada Loznice
Adaptacija i rekonstrukcija započetog objekta HGB – hiruško ginekološki bіok i rekonstrukcija postojeceg hiruškog ginekološkog bloka – PHGB.
Ministarstvo odbrane, Uprava za vojno zdravstvo
lzvođenje radova na popravci prostora intezivne nege Klinike za anesteziologiju i intezivnu terapiju VMA, Beograd.
Gradska uprava grada Loznice
Projektovanje, nabavka, isporuka i montaža opreme i izgradnja kotlarnice na drvnu sečku i lož ulje, toplovoda i toplotnih podstanica u okviru objekta Орšte bolnice Loznica.
Gradska toplana, Kruševac
Rekonstrukcija kotla na prirodni gas, Gradska toplana Kruševac.
HVAC instalacije u fabrici motornih delova MTE u Bariču – druga faza.
NIS a.d. Novi Sad
Sanacija hidrantske mreže u skladštu naftnih derivata, Novi Sad.
Орština Priboj
Nabavka i instalacija kotla na biomasu sa pripadajućom opremom, Priboj.
Орština Mionica
Rekontrukcija kotlarnice na drva u okviru zgrade Osnovne škole “Milan Rakic” i pripadajućih infrastrukturnih instalacija, Mionica.
LIDL Srbija K.D
lzgradnja supermarketa “LIDL”, F0140, Pirot.
Parking servis
Poslovna zgrada – blok 43, Novi Beograd.
Grad Loznica
Rekonstrukcija objekta Opšte bolnice “Loznica”
Parking servis
Rekonstrukcija, investiciono održavanje i adaptacija javne garaže “Pionirski park”, Beograd
Beogradske elektrane
Izrada trase toplovoda za stambeni kompleks “Zemunske kapije”, kao i za stambeni kompleks “Voždove kapije”.
Beogradske elektrane
Izrada trase toplovoda za hotel “Titograd”.
Republika Srbija – Ministarstvo finansija – Carinska uprava
Izgradnja strukturalnog kablovskog sistema u poslovnoj zgradi “Carinske uprave”
Parking servis
Poslovna zgrada – blok 43, Novi Beograd.
NIS a.d.
Rekonstrukcija hidrantne mreže u kompleksu rafinerije, Novi Sad.
Elektroprivreda Srbija
Izrada čelične konstrukcije i platforme za održavanje cevi – Termoelektrana Kostolac B.
Grad Loznica – Gradska uprava
Izvođenje građevinskih radova na sanaciji objekta Opšte bolnice, odeljenja interno, grudno i psihijatrije.
JP Toplifikacija, Požarevac
Izrada trase toplovoda u ulicama: Moravska ulica, Ulica Bojane Prvulović, Sinjska ulica, Požarevac.
Beogradske elektrane
Rekonstrukcija kotlarnice “Braće Marić”.
Robert Bosch d.o.o.
Rekontrukcija parne kotlarnice za kompaniju “Frikom” d.o.o
NIS a.d.
Parna kotlarnica za NTC laboratoriju kao i 4 objekta u okviru kompleksa rafinerije nafte u Novom Sadu.
Republika Srbija – Ministarstvo finansija – Carinska uprava
Carinski kompleks – granični prelaz “Gradina”, I faza.
Opština Zvezdara, Beograd
Rekonstrukcija vrtića “Lane”, Beograd.
NIS a.d.
Centralna parna kotlarnica u okvru kompleksa rafinerije nafte u Novom Sadu.
NIS a.d.
Parna kotlarnica u postrojenju otpadnih voda u okviru kompleksa rafinerije nafte u Novom Sadu.
Lidl Srbija K.D
Izgradnja supermarketa “LIDL”, F0128, Beograd.
Lidl Srbija K.D
Izgradnje pristupne saobraćajnice supermarketu LIDL F0109, Beograd.
Grad Senta
Kotlarnica “Nova toplana”.
Direkcija za građevinsko zemljište i izgradnju Beograda J.P.
Izgradnja objekta fontana Slavija.
Vrednost: 211,597,857,40 RSD
Parking servis
Izgradnja poslovnog objekta sa izradom Projekta za izvođenje u Bloku 53(sad Blok 43).
Vrednost: 66.100.006,92 RSD
NIS a.d.
Izvođenje radova na izgradnji stanice za
snabdevanje gorivom i rušenje postojeće
SSG Jagodina 2
Vrednost: 645,500,00 EUR
Grad Kragujevac
Izgradnja teretane u Osnovnoj školi “Živadinka Divac”, Kragujevac
PMC engineering
Kompleks “Uzići” – I faza
Stambeno-poslovni objekat, blok 63, Novi Beograd
Parking servis
Rekontrukcija, investiciono održavanje i adaptacija osam javnih garaža: Mileševska, Kralja Milutina, Botanička bašta, 27.marta, Vukov spomenik, Dr Aleksandra Kostića, Požarevačka, Radivoja Koraća;-
Garaža Pionirski park – lift;-
Garaža Masarikova – fasaderski radovi;
Garaža Zeleni venac – solarni kolektori.
NIS a.d.
Izvođenje radova na izgradnji stanice za
snabdevanje gorivom i rušenje postojeće.
SSG Novi Pazar 2
Vrednost: 958.935,00 EUR
NIS a.d.
Izvođenje radova na izgradnji stanice za
snabdevanje gorivom i rušenje postojeće.
SSG Jagodina 3
Vrednost: 508.531,74 EUR
NIS a.d.
Izvođenje radova na izgradnji stanice za
snabdevanje gorivom i rušenje postojeće.
SSG Petrovac na Mlavi
Vrednost: 630.465,41 EUR
NIS a.d.
Izvođenje radova na izgradnji stanice za
snabdevanje gorivom i rušenje postojeće.
SSG Blok 66a
Vrednost: 955.000,00 EUR
Lidl Srbija K.D
Izgradnja supermarketa “LIDL”, F0109, Beograd.
Fabrika motornih delova MTE, Barič.
PMC engineering
Izvođenje HVAC instalacija i niskogradnje – fontana na trgu Slavija, Beograd.
PMC inženjering
Izvođenje instalaterskih radova 1. faze izgradnje fabričkog kompleksa Uzići.
Vrednost: 1,025,309.98 EUR
PMC inženjering
Izvođenje radova na nadogradnji i rekonstrukciji garaža “Obilićev venac”i rekonstrukciji garaža “Zeleni venac” i “Masarikova”.
Vrednost: 3,123,220.51 EUR
Izvođenje radova na termotehničkim instalacijama u stambeno – trgovačkom objektu u Bloku 63, Novi Beograd.
Vrednost: 434,320.83 EUR
Izvođenje radova na termotehničkim instalacijama na objektu logističko-distributivni centar Lidl RS ZL005, Stara pazova.
Vrednost: 1,710,049.58 EUR
Radovi na HVAC instalacijama u fabrici motornih delova, Barič.
Soko Štark
Adaptacija upravne zgrade Soko Štarka, Beograd.
Izvođenje radova na distributivnom centru LIDL RS, Stara Pazova.
PMC inženjering
Izgradnja objekta sa pripadajućom infrastrukturom – Kapslana, Valjevo.
Vrednost: 1,629,875.56 EUR
Izvođenje radova na mašinskim instalacijama u fabrici motornih delova MTE Barič.
Vrednost: 1,957,250.25 EUR
Opština Voždovac
Dom zdravlja Jajinci.
PMC engineering
Poslovna zgrada PMC engineering – IV I V sprat – završni radovi.
PMC engineering
Rekonstrukcija alatnice – Valjevo.
PMC engineering
Adaptacija i promena namene nadstrešnice – objekta za proizvodnju plastičnih elemenata, Valjevo.
PMC engineering
Kapislana – zgrada sa pripadajućom infrastrukturom, Valjevo.
Lidl Srbija K.D
Izgradnja supermarketa “LIDL”, F0108, F0106, Beograd.
PMC inženjering
Izgradnja i adaptacija objekta “Pionirski grad” za potrebe parking servisa.
Vrednost: 254,025.00 EUR
Vibac Balcani d.o.o.
Instalacija ćelija 20kW razvodnog postrojenja.
Vrednost: 119,000.00 EUR
Vibac Balcani d.o.o.
Izvođenje radova na protivpožarnim sistemima fabrike.
Vrednost: 524,995.00 EUR
Soko Štark
Izvođenje građevinskih radova na adaptaciji upravne zgrade.
Vrednost: 597,860.00 EUR
Visokogradnja inženjering
Izvođenje unutrašnjih radova na upravnoj zgradi fabrike “Vibac Balcani”.
Vrednost: 406,654.00 EUR
PMC inženjering
Izgradnja sanitarnog čvora između paviljona u Nikincima.
Vrednost: 19,583.00 EUR
Ministarstvo odbrane, VGC BeogradIzvođenje radova na klimatizaciji
Vrednost: 29,577.00 EUR
Fakultet likovnih umetnosti
Izgradnja nove kotlarnice i adaptacija postojeće.
Vrednost: 29,100.00 EUR
PMC engineering
Izvođenje građ. radova u okviru kompleksa Kovački centar, Valjevo.
Vrednost: 15,053.00 EUR
Vibac Balcani d.o.o.
Izvođenje radova na el. instalacija – VIBAC fabrika – Jagodina.
Vrednost: 2,899,703.98 EUR
Vibac Balcani d.o.o.
Izgradnja parne kotlarnice – VIBAC fabrika – Jagodina.
Vrednost: 1,489,535.83 EUR
Železnice Srbije
Radovi na rekonstrukciji depoa- Zemun.
Vrednost: 21,960,000.00 RSD
Železnice Srbije
Servis i remont TT postrojenja.
Vrednost: 2,100,000.00 RSD
Državna lutrija Srbije
Održavanje klima uređaja.
Vrednost: 600,000.00 RSD
PMC inženjering
Valjevo – rušenje objekta alatnica.
Vrednost: 12,134,466.00 RSD
PMC inženjering
Kovački centar Valjevo – adaptacija i prenamena nadstrešnice – pogon za proizvodnju.
Vrednost: 19,745,212.15 RSD
Uprava za zajedničke poslove
Održavanje konferencijskih sistema.
Vrednost: 1,500,000.00 RSD
Parking servis
Rekonstrukcija garaža – Masarikova, Zeleni venac
Vrednost: 169,999,083.74 RSD
Parking servis
Adaptacija kancelarijskog prostora – Pionirski grad.
Vrednost: 33,870,000.00 RSD
Administration of Joint Affairs Compressor service and repairing
Value: 5,000,000.00 RSD
Administration of Joint Affairs Maintenance and service of boiler plants and heating installations
Value: 1,100,000.00 RSD
National employment service Maintenance of TT installations
Value: 25,000,000.00 RSD
Administration of Joint Affairs Periodic inspection and service of split units
Value: 3,000,000.00 RSD
Ministry of Finance – Customs administration Maintenance of mechanical installation
Value: 2,800,000.00 RSD
Administration of Joint Affairs Maintenance and service of el. mot. facility and pumps
Value: 3,000,000.00 RSD
PMC engineering Combat complex systems
Velika plana – reconstruction, adaptation and building
Value: 96,277,985.20 RSD
Public Enterprise EMS Delivery of heating units
Value: 960,000.00 RSD
Administration of Joint Affairs Maintenance and service of el.motor, facility and pumps
Value: 1,000,000.00 RSD
Military-medical academy Delivery and replacement of air chambers
Value: 15,155,928.00 RSD
PMC engineering Sledge centre Valjevo – civil engineering works
Value: 501,242.38 RSD
Military-medical academy Delivery and replacement of recuperative heating exchanger
Value: 8,160,840.00 RSD
Belgrade, construction and craft work on the rehabilitation of the court and ancillary building at the Institute for Blood Transfusion of Serbia
Elektrodistribucija Beograd
reconstruction of the computer system of the process computer on the second floor of the existing building in the street Prote Mateje 10-14 + interior + AL locksmith + technological equipment + air conditioning
investment and technical maintenance of thermotechnical installations and equipment on the territory of the Republic of Serbia for the period 2005 2006 and 2007
Boiler room and machine installations for dairy PK Budućnost – Dobanovci
upgrading of the business facility of the NSZ branch Niš street Ratka Vukićevića br. 3
adaptation of business facility NES branch office Senta street Braće Jugović br. 1
Company “BORBA” Belgrade
execution of works on the delivery and installation of a hot-water boiler Q-2600 kW
execution of works on the construction of a home installation for central heating in the building RJ MAINTENANCE Belgrade, Djordje Vajferta street number 12
GYMNASIUM SENTA, Main square street, no 12
Performing adaptation of the roof and gymnasium in Senta
“JKP BEOGRADSKE ELEKTRANE” Belgrade street Savski nasip number 11
production of boiler room in technical school Belgrade in Železnik
“JKP BEOGRADSKE ELEKTRANE” Beograd street Savski nasip number 11
production of boiler room in tech nical school Zmaj u Zemunu
performing construction, mechanical (rehabilitation of air-conditioning and ventilation systems) and works on reconstruction of electric sports network of sports shops
Boiler room, chemical water preparation, fuel delivery installation Traffic Faculty – Belgrade
Central Cooling System with Ice Cube Pools – Zemun
Air conditioning of the lab and new syrup Coca-Cola Zemun
Compressor station Coca Cola – Zemun
Interconnection and connection of equipment by energy and technological pipeline, Coca Cola, Zemun
Reconstruction of the boiler room and heating installation of car workshop GSUP Beograd ul. Koste Glavinjić
Air conditioning of automatic telephone exchanges ATC “Guberevac” ul. General Ždanova-Belgrade
Air conditioning of automatic telephone exchanges ATC “Borča” – Borča
Boiler room of the business facility Unifarm, Zemun
Adaptation of laboratories in Coca-Cola facilities in Zemun
“NEMETALI” Poplar construction of the building in Lipovac
PUBLIC COMPANY OF PTT TRANSPORT “SERBIA” reconstruction of heating of ATC Dobric
TRAFFIC FACULTY mechanical works on the installation of central heating and boiler room
Boiler room of the business production complex “Dinara” – Belgrade
Boiler room and machine installations within the complex Voćar – Smederevo
PROJECT of the building “NEMETALI” construction, electrical and mechanical
Boiler room, refrigeration plant and machine installations of milk “Ljin” – Raska
Boiler room for wood waste, steamers, dryers and installation of heating and ventilation of production halls
Boiler room, refrigeration plant and machine installations of milk “Ljin” – Raska
Boiler room for wood waste, steamers, dryers and installation of heating and ventilation of production halls
Sumadija drvo – Kraljevo
Heating and ventilation of production halls, laboratories and cans in the DD IBL “DUGA” complex – Bel grade
Process and energy pipelines in the boiler room and interconnecting divisions DD IBL “DUGA”, Belgrade
Maintenance of business building “SIMPA” in Belgrade heating, ventilation, water supply
Holding company Slobodna Zona “BEOGRAD” design and execution of construction, mechanical, electro and water supply and sewage of the hall L-6A
Elektro Distribucija Belgrade reconstruction of the sixth floor in Gospodar Jevremova street 26-28 + inte rior + AL locksmith + technological equipment + air conditioning
Upgrade of the residential building in Belgrade, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra street 195a
Construction of a residential business building in Belgrade in Hadži Mustafina Street
Upgrade of the Institute of Faculties of Organizational Sciences of the University of Belgrade, street Jove llića 153
AD IBP “Belgrade” Coca Cola plant reconstruction of floors in the “FANTE”
Adaptation of the laboratory in the facilities of Coca Cola IBP “Belgrade”
Institute for disinfection, disinfection and pest control Belgrade, construction and civil engineering works, installation works of water supply, sewage and thermo-mechanical installations
PROJECT of mechanical installations of a residential building in Belgrade, Kumanovska Street 21
Performing mechanical installations at the RAČA border crossing
Complete rehabilitation of the machine installation of the INSTITUTE FOR REUMATOLOGY Belgrade
Reconstruction of thermotechnical installations of department store “Belgrade” in Kikinda
Reconstruction of thermotechnical installations of department stores “SIMPO” in Belgrade
Reconstruction of central air conditioning of laboratories in the Agency for Environmental Protection (installation of air-cooled chiller condenser, cooling capacity 400 kW)
Precise air conditioning of the laboratory on the premises “Directorate for Measures and Precious Metals”
Air conditioning of “Server room” in the facility Treasury Management of the Ministry of Finance
Central ventilation of hazardous substances at the Institute “VINČA”
Maintenance of thermotechnical installations of objects of the National Bank of Serbia.
Maintenance of thermotechnical installations of buildings of the Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases “Dedinje”
Air conditioning “Call center” of Telekom in Banja Luka
Air conditioning of sales area of GSP at Dorćol
HILANDAR PROJECT NEW LIBRARY – RIZNICA rehabilitation of microclimate conditions
Reconstruction and adaptation of the business building “DINARA” Str. Save Maškovic 3-5
Boiler room and installation of heating and ventilation sports hall – Indjija
Boiler room and installation of heating and ventilation of market square and residential block 28 – Indjija
Heating and ventilation of a business residential building (P + 6) in Zahumska street, Belgrade
Heating and ventilation of a business residential building (P+5) in Sokolska Street, Belgrade
PROJECT OF PIROTEPHIC ANALYSIS of the facility for the storage of explosive materials D.P. “GRADINA” – UŽICE
Boiler room, heating and ventilation installations and distribution of steam and compressed air “Zastava” car – Belgrade
PUBLIC COMPANY OF PTT TRANSPORT “SERBIA” works on central heating for post office Osečina
ENERGO PET heating and cooling installations at the facility for the production of PET bottles
Works on thermotechnical installation SRC “BANJICA”
“KOLUBARA” Mionica production and installation of an electric boiler on the object “SKI KLUB” Kopaonik
PROJECT object Slobodna Zona “BEOGRAD” hall L-9 construction, mechanical and electrical
Holding company Slobodna Zona “BEOGRAD” design and execution of construction, machine, electrical and water supply and sewage of the hall L-9
Heating and ventilation of production and office space of the IBP Belgrade Coca-Cola bottling plant
Reconstruction of central air–conditioning “Doma Grde” in Topčider barracks (production of technical documentation, delivery and installation of air–cooled chiller condenser, cooling capacity 500 kW)
Replacement of 11 air–conditioning chambers in the VMA”
Preparation of technical documentation at the air–conditioning Intensive CareVMA, with the execution of works and the installation of hygienic air–conditioning chamber L = 35,000 m3/h,
Preparation of technical documentation at the Air-Condition of the Anglo-sale of the object, MA”
Reconstruction of the heating system and gasification of the boiler room in the, Bačka” barracks in Bačka Topola
Reconstruction of boiler room and facilities in the “Radovan Medić” barracks “13 May” in Batajnica
Replacement of condensate grid and fan convector in building “1” -GS VS, Kneza Miloša no 33 in Belgrade
Construction of the Annex KN-69 (Hangar) facility at the Batajnica Airport
Reconstruction of the KN-26 and KN-18 facilities in Kasna “Banjica 2”
Making parking space in front of the „VMA” facility
Adaptation of the space on the 10. floor of the building of the MoD in st. Birčaninova no. 5 in Belgrade
Reconstruction and adaptation of housing facilities of the Yugoslav Army
Reconstruction and adaptation of the command building and festivity of the Airport Batajnica
Reconstruction of the boiler room and heating plant Bubanj Potok – Belgrade
Heating and ventilation of the command building and the cinema sales of the Batajnica Airport
Heating, ventilation, high and low pressure steam distribution for the Vešeraja building, Batajnica Airport
Special Purpose Objects of the Yugoslav Army, process pipelines, fuel depots, heating and ventilation
Barracks barracks “Aleksa Dunic” – Zemun
Barracks barracks “Mačvanski Partizanski odredi” – Šabac
Thermal power plants in the barracks “Aerodrom” in Ruma
Federal Government Joint Service and Federal Administrative Office Service for the installation and servicing of air conditioning, heating and cooling systems in the season 2001/2002/2003/2004/2005/2006
Renovation of the central heating installation in the „Aleksa Dundic“ barracks in Zemun
Reconstruction of the facility KN133 Batajnica Airport mechanical and electrical works – HVAC
Works on repair of “TEP” in „Aleksa Dundić” barracks in Zemun
“Straževica” servicing of refrigeration equipment
Reconstruction of the boiler room in the Palace of the Federation SIVI
Office for Common Affairs of the Council of Ministers Belgrade arranging a laundry room in the object of Uzice street, number 11-15 in Belgrade
Joint Affairs Service of the Council of Ministers of Belgrade performing electro and molar works on the arrangement of the building Club of federal bodies of Tolstoja st, number 2 in Belgrade.
Joint Affairs Service of the Council of Ministers Belgrade renovation and sanitation of sanitary facilities on the ground floor and on the floor of the club Club of federal bodies at Tolstojeva st, no. 2 in Belgrade
Air conditioning of production facilities Institute for banknote production, Belgrade
Kitchen SIV I technological equipment + interior
Reconstruction and adaptation of residential buildings of Ministry of Internal Affairs
Adaptation of the exhibition hall MUP GSUP in ul. November 29th in Belgrade
Air conditioning at the Ministry of Internal Affairs-Belgrade computer center
Cooling plant-chillers for the building “GSUP” Beograd ul. 29. November
Reconstruction of boiler rooms and installation of heating and ventilation of the Fire Brigade, Mije Kovačević Street, Belgrade
Reconstruction of the boiler room of the Police Brigade complex – Belgrade
Ministry of Internal Affairs thermotechnical installations on the building “Command building”
Ministry of Internal Affairs service of cooling facilities at Palilula, Ljermontova, Novi Beograd, Zemun
Ministry of Internal Affairs works on thermotechnical installations of boilers for central hot water preparation of “OUP” Novi Beograd
Ministry of Internal Affairs works on light annual service of burners on light and heavy oil at the facilities of the Secretariat in Belgrade
Ministry of Internal Affairs regularly annual mechanical cleaning and chemical washing of hot water and steam boilers at the premises of the Secretariat in Belgrade
Ministry of Internal Affairs repair of the GRASSO AC 880R refrigerator at 29th November street, no 107
Complete reconstruction of the “KOC” Ministry of Internal Affairs building on 29th November st, no 107
Adaptation of the “GSUP” exhibition hall in Belgrade street on 29th November st, no 107
Reconstruction and adaptation of housing units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Ministry of Internal Affairs complete adaptation and rehabilitation of the building in Beli Potok and the establishment of the sale counter